It's Sunday and we're back at the Veterinary Training Clinic. It was so hard to leave Prosper and the people there. We woke up with the sun, just like every other day. We packed up all of our things and loaded up the machina (the bus, haha). Then it was time for church. I wasn't sure what to expect being that it was a Haitian church and they speak creole. It was so amazing though. I didn't understand everything that was said but I knew they were praising God and you could see their love for him. If I didn't know God was everywhere before, I sure know now. It's just crazy to think that while I'm back in Germantown, Ohio going to church they are here in Prosper doing the exact same thing.
The women singing for us in church. Beautiful!
When they pray they pray out loud. It was pretty awesome to just listen to them all lift their prayers up to God. All of their prayer requests sounding off at once. Again, wow - God is EVERYWHERE! & he listens to all of our prayers. How is that possible? Pastor Steve preached while Woody translated. He actually did better than I expected considering he found out he was preaching about 10 minutes before church began! The main thing I got out of the message was that God does not wish for or let bad things happen to us. It was not God's will for the earthquake to hit the people of Haiti. It also wasn't God's will for Jamie to be killed in a car accident. It's always hard to understand why got let's terrible things happen to us but its comforting to know that he is sad too when things like that happen. We sang for the church as well. We sang this song:
We bring the sacrifice of praise into the House of the Lord.
We bring the sacrifice of praise into the House of the Lord.
And we offer up to you, the sacrifices of Thanksgiving
And we offer up to you, the sacrifices of Love.

Wenchi was laying his head on my shoulder and someone was trying to get him to look up at the camera and he began to whine. Still a cute picture though! Look at that bow tie!
We bring the sacrifice of praise into the House of the Lord.
And we offer up to you, the sacrifices of Thanksgiving
And we offer up to you, the sacrifices of Love.
Wenchi was laying his head on my shoulder and someone was trying to get him to look up at the camera and he began to whine. Still a cute picture though! Look at that bow tie!
After church we went outside to say goodbye. :( Wenchi was crying and his sister kept waving me over because he never cried in my arms. I knew we were leaving so I didn't want to go over to them because I knew the second I had to put Wenchi down he would start crying and I didn't want to do that to him. She ended up putting Wenchi down and he looked at me and began slowly walking over to me, in his little bow tie. He got to me, looked up with his big, brown eyes, and reached for me to pick him up. I am not kidding when I say I think my heart melted. I picked him up and all just seemed right. I only got to hold him a few minutes before it was time to go. I found his sister and handed him back. Wenchi and I both began to cry. I can't help but feel guilty because I feel like I spoiled him a little bit. I know he won't get the affection I gave him after I'm gone. He will be loved and taken care of, but I just hope I did more good than harm. I also worry about him surviving. Funny thing to worry about when you're talking about a 1 year old. You just assume they will grow big and strong. The truth is that 50% of children in Haiti die before the age of 5. As quickly as that thought came to mind, I have to push it away. Wenchi will make it and I know I'm going to see him again someday! I just hope its before heaven! I don't know if I can wait that long!
Leaving the village of Prosper :(
Haiti: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8Once we got back into Port au Prince a bunch of us decided to take a walk. We wanted to go to a little market or something to buy souvenirs and stuff! It was so hot, but what else is new? We walked and walked like a mile but never got to a market! haha We got to see lots of stuff but not a market! We decided to turn around before we got too far away from the Veterinary Training Clinic. On the way back we found a place that sold Coke! That's right, Coca Cola! They were in bottles and I'm pretty sure it was the best tasting Coke I have ever had in my life!! I chugged that sucker!
Tonight for our devotion, Art had us each go around and say what the main lesson we have learned and how God has worked in our lives. I actually had two things I wanted to share. First, I explained that ever since Jamie passed away I've struggled with the idea of prayer. I know it must be a powerful thing for so many people to pray so obediently and I know that the Bible tells us to pray without ceasing, but I've always kind of felt like, what is the point? I remember the day Jamie passed away like it was yesterday. I have never prayed for something or someone so hard in my life, but in the end it didn't matter. God took her home to him anyway. If he already knows everything that is going to happen and already knows what I'm thinking, again, what is the point in praying? This trip just opened my eyes and made me realize that it is an important part in my walk with Jesus and I need to pray more and give my problems up to him. The second thing this trip has taught me was to be thankful and joyful no matter what the circumstances are. Many of these people have nothing but God and yet they are joyful. They do not let their circumstances affect that and its something I am extremely guilty of. I want people to know I'm different because of God and I don't need my infamous attitude getting in the way of that. I'm sure this will be a struggle for me and I'm a work in progress just like everyone else! The first step is admitting you have a problem, right? haha Tomorrow we're going to work at an orphanage for handicap children. I'm excited and a little nervous. I've seen a lot of heartbreaking things this week, I just hope I can handle it. Ok, I take that back, I know I can handle it I just hope I don't sob like a baby!
Tonight for our devotion, Art had us each go around and say what the main lesson we have learned and how God has worked in our lives. I actually had two things I wanted to share. First, I explained that ever since Jamie passed away I've struggled with the idea of prayer. I know it must be a powerful thing for so many people to pray so obediently and I know that the Bible tells us to pray without ceasing, but I've always kind of felt like, what is the point? I remember the day Jamie passed away like it was yesterday. I have never prayed for something or someone so hard in my life, but in the end it didn't matter. God took her home to him anyway. If he already knows everything that is going to happen and already knows what I'm thinking, again, what is the point in praying? This trip just opened my eyes and made me realize that it is an important part in my walk with Jesus and I need to pray more and give my problems up to him. The second thing this trip has taught me was to be thankful and joyful no matter what the circumstances are. Many of these people have nothing but God and yet they are joyful. They do not let their circumstances affect that and its something I am extremely guilty of. I want people to know I'm different because of God and I don't need my infamous attitude getting in the way of that. I'm sure this will be a struggle for me and I'm a work in progress just like everyone else! The first step is admitting you have a problem, right? haha Tomorrow we're going to work at an orphanage for handicap children. I'm excited and a little nervous. I've seen a lot of heartbreaking things this week, I just hope I can handle it. Ok, I take that back, I know I can handle it I just hope I don't sob like a baby!
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