In the Studio | Introducing Paisley Card Company

In case you haven't noticed, I've made a little change around here. Again. And for the last time, no matter what. I promise!

As some of you know when I started this little venture back in 2009 I was named SNC & Co. Why I thought that would be a good name, I'm not quite sure, but obviously that didn't last very long.

In comes La Bella Vita Designs. I was taking some Italian courses in college and thought the phrase la bella vita (the beautiful life) was so pretty. I actually really liked (and still liked) the name La Bella Vita Designs but I've decided it's just not working, for a couple of reasons.
  1. The name is too long.
  2. It's hard for people to say.
  3. It's hard for people to remember.
I want my company to have a name that is simple to say, easy for people to remember, and I also wanted it to be relatively short. No one likes a long dot com! Paisley Card Company fits all of that! I love paisley and again, while I was in college, I had to design a logo using my initials. I made the S and C from my initials into paisley! So, I also like the fact that a little part of me is working into the logo!

So that's it. That's why I'm changing my name again, for the final time. I am now the Paisley Card Company ( Ah, I love it. And I hope you do too! I'm looking forward to taking the next step in really taking my business to the next level!

Thanks to all my friends and family for your never ending support! I love you!

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