I finally get to scratch another item off of my 101 in 1001 list! Actually, I get to scratch 2 things off! I have been wanting to organize my desktop and delete unnecessary files off my computer for what seems like forever! I really wish I would have taken a before picture of my desktop because it was majorly out of control! I obviously forgot to do that, but here is the after!
Ah, so beautiful! I ended up deleting over 1,000 files. I didn't have that many on my desktop, but you seriously could not see anything but icons covering the entire desktop - some icons were overlapping, there were so many. It feels so good to have the done. I feel like I just cleaned my house! haha The goal is to not let my computer ever get that out of control ever again!Now that I can actually see my desktop, it's time to find a pretty background! :)
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