26 Before 26

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a lovely weekend! Mine was lovely and it was awfully wonderfully productive so I am very happy! Anyway - moving on! Back in March, I decided I was going to complete 25 tasks before my 25th birthday. Let's just say the outcome was less than satisfactory considering I never even came up with a full list of 25 tasks. I came up with 10 and although I never thought of the list after writing it I actually did complete a few of them! Such as:  03 - Buy a lottery ticket.  06 - Make Jenny a new blog design. 07 - Take care of my dot com issues for Paisley Card Co.  08 - Design & print business cards for Paisley Card Company. 10 - Start process to get deposit back from landlord. Five for five aint bad my friends! Well, today is my half birthday. I have been quarter of a century for 6 months now and only have 6 months until my golden birthday! (I'll be 26 on March 26th!) I'm super excited for this birthday because well I love life and I love that I'm around for another year of it. I also love even numbers and I am always an odd age on an odd year and an even age on an even year. I'll be 26 in 2012 so I know it's going to be a great year! I realize this may sound a bit superstitious but I promise - not that this year has been bad, but next year will be awesome!
Ok! So back to the purpose of this post! I'm a list person. I make lists daily. Sometimes I actually complete things off my list and sometimes I don't do anything with it after creating it. I always have so many things I need to do and things I want to create and a list is the best way for me to keep it all straight! So, again I'm going to take a stab at creating a list of tasks (some may be left over from those not completed from the last birthday list) before my birthday, only this time I'm giving myself 6 months instead of only 1! Hopefully I can complete every task but we shall see!

Now for the list:

01. Send a card just because.
02. Start doing a Bible study! Anyone have a suggestion of a good one?
03. Lose 15 pounds.
04. Upload my 2011 Christmas card designs to Etsy.
05. Do a 7 day detox.
06. Go to the dentist.
07. Go to a show at the Grand Ole Opry.
08. Make more fabric flower necklaces.
10. Finish my DIY window project.
11. Go to the beach.
12. Finish the re-branding for Paisley Card Co.
13. Re-do the wording for Button Baby's Etsy listings.
14. Finish my photo wall in my living room.
15. Get my hair highlighted.
16. Add more designs to Etsy.
17. Give more handmade Christmas gifts than store bought.
18. Make button art.
19. Make crock pot apples.
20. Make my own laundry detergent.
21. Make 5 recipes from myyum yums board.
22. Go see Wicked.
23. Raise money to support a friend's adoption process!
24. Settle on a church here in TN and continue to go regularly.
25. Spend more time with my little sister Katie.
26. Be happy!


  1. You can do it!!!

    I love lists and am very much a list-maker myself.

    Have you heard of the 31 Days Series some bloggers are doing {nester and others...}. Well, I'm picking that up and created a huge list of ideas. My 31 days will be 31 days of challenge. I'm a bit nervous but excited to see what I can get done!

    I followed you over at Paisley Card Co and now follow you here. :)

  2. Thank you! I hope I can complete everything! It's only 26 things so it shouldn't be too difficult! I've actually never heard of the 31 Days Series. I'll have to check your list out! :)

    Thanks for jumping over here to follow! I was following you from Paisley Card Co. so now I'll have to follow from my Road Called Life account! Still trying to get everything organized! :)
