Back in October of 2010, I started the project, Day Zero. Day Zero is supposed to inspire you to set and achieve your personal goals in life no matter how big or how small. The challenge is to complete 101 tasks, that you write for yourself, in a period of 1001 days. That's approximately 2.75 years. I always have a work in progress Life Goal List (or Bucket List) but those tasks tend to be long term or things for my future. This project is different because it can be tasks as simple as updating my About page - which I just did last night! I liked this project because you set a clear deadline that makes it very attainable to achieve everything on your list.
I have made a few 101 in 1001 update posts, but for the most part, I forget about this little list of mine. The section of my blog dedicated to it gets neglected and I either don't mark things off that I have completed or I forget I wanted to complete them in the first place. Or even worse, they are expired goals - things I either can't achieve because time has passed, or I don't even want to complete it.
The key to achieving your goals is to be specific and practical. You can't just say I want to lose weight. It has to go deeper than that. Like for me, one of my new year's resolutions was to add healthier elements into my diet, daily, and to drink the appropriate amount of water each day. So far, I have been eating a couple of fruits and vegetables each day and drinking 66 oz of water. I know I'm probably not quite getting the amount of fruits/veggies I need but I am making a conscious effort to eat them every day. That goal is very attainable.
So in an effort to live a productive and intentional life, I am going to choose goals each month that I want to achieve or things I want to work on. Narrowing down my selection, and focusing on a few (very specific) goals, is a sure way for me to get down to business and mark those suckers off.
My original list looked like this:
Then I got a little more specific and seperated my goals into categories! Here is how my 101 in 1001 list looks today, categorized and incomplete:
- Finish reading Pride & Prejudice.
- Stop watching so much reality TV.
- Move out of my parents house.
- Finish Avery's baby blanket.
- Start tithing 10% at church.
- Buy a new car.
- Take care of my dot com issues for La Bella Vita Designs.
- Open my etsy shop for La Bella Vita Designs.
- Create 5 Christmas cards for La Bella Vita Designs.
- Make 2 friends from the blogging world.
- Lose 40 lbs.
- Go through my computer and get rid of unnecessary files.
- Organize my desktop.
- Make photo books from 2007-Present.
- Go back to Haiti.
- Start a savings account.
- Donate blood.
- Write a letter to myself to open in 10 years.
- Go camping.
- Answer the "50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind".
- Get a massage.
- Go on a road trip.
- Play in the rain.
- No fast food for 2 months.
- Identify 100 things that makes me happy.
- Go on a picnic.
- Buy a lottery ticket.
- Go on a cruise.
- Influence someone to make a day zero list.
- Go ice skating.
- Finish writing my book.
- Record a Christmas CD to raise money for Haiti.
- Make a birthday cake for someone.
- Send someone a card just because.
- Host a dinner party.
- Not log into Facebook for a whole week.
- Sing karaoke at a bar.
- Visit Jenny & Matt in Japan.
- Visit Drew & Erin in Indiana.
- Visit Haley & Brock in Florida.
- Make a wish at 11:11 on November 11, 2011.
- Refresh my brain on the Italian I learned in college.
- Fall in love.
- Buy a pair of navy and gray converse.
- Start doing a bible study.
- Crochet a scarf.
- Help raise money for Ovarian cancer.
- Pay off my credit card debt.
- Put bows in Bella's hair.
- Make Lindsay's dental hygiene calling cards.
- Make a photo/journal book of my trips to Haiti.
- Celebrate NYE in another country.
- Buy new running shoes.
- Start running again.
- Go to a Browns Game.
- Go watch the Buckeyes.
- Buy a "Script Ohio" T-Shirt.
- Go watch my sister Katie perform at halftime.
- Finish getting my winter clothes out and in the closet.
- Become an egg donor.
- Get a job.
- Get a pedicure.
- Make something for my dad using our Halloween pictures from when I was a kid.
- Get my teeth whitened.
- Go to the dentist.
- Go on a date.
- Carve a pumpkin.
- Eat at The Melting Pot.
- Share the love of Jesus with someone.
- Repaint my mirror.
- Make upholstered headboard.
- Figure out what I'm going to be for Halloween.
- Start giving Paul $100 a month.
- Get ring fixed that grandma gave me.
- Start paying myself 5% of my paycheck each time for savings.
- Start paying myself 5% of my paycheck each time for a house.
- Make a pillow out of the yo-yo's Grandma Shirley made.
- Do a 7 day detox.
- Work on my graphic design portfolio.
- Print business cards for La Bella Vita Designs.
- Make a round light out of coffee filters.
Then I got a little more specific and seperated my goals into categories! Here is how my 101 in 1001 list looks today, categorized and incomplete:
01 - Pray for someone for a month straight.
02 - Raise money for Prosper, Haiti.
03 - Send out 5 handwritten letters by snail mail.
04 - Raise money for ovarian cancer.
05 - Donate blood.
06 - Bake a birthday cake for someone.
07 - Send a card, just because.
08 - Become an egg donor.
09 - Send Jenny a care package. (October 2010)
10 - Go back to Haiti and work at the Haiti House of Blessings Orphanage.
11 - Host an ApParent Project jewelry party.
12 - Share the love of Jesus with someone.
13 - Start giving Paul $100 a month.
14 - Move out of my parents house post college. (June 2011)
15 - Start tithing 10% at church.
16 - Organize my desktop. (February 2011)
17 - Get rid of unnecessary files on my computer. (February 2011)
18 - Make photo books from 2007-Present.
19 - Write a letter to myself to open in 10 years.
20 - Get a massage.
21 - Answer the "50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind". (October 2010)
22 - Identify 100 things that makes me happy.
23 - Not log into Facebook for a whole week. (December 2010)
24 - Start doing a bible study.
25 - Buy a lottery ticket. (June 2011)
26 - Make photo/journal books of my trips to Haiti.
27 - Buy a "Script Ohio" T-Shirt. (March 2010)
28 - Get my teeth whitened.
29 - Get a mani/pedi. (Summer 2011)
30 - Get deposit back from landlord in Columbus.
31 - Finish reading Pride & Prejudice.
32 - Cut down to only 2 reality television shows. (Summer 2011)
33 - Lose 40 lbs.
34 - No fast food for 2 months.
35 - Buy new running shoes. (March 2010)
36 - Start running again.
37 - Go to the dentist.
38 - Do a 7 day detox.
39 - Go the the eye doctor. (December 2010)
40 - Make a calendar for the Creekmur Christmas.
41 - Make something for my dad using our old Halloween pictures.
42 - Go on a date.
43 - Fall in love.
44 - Make a pillow out of the yo-yo's Grandma Shirley made for North gift exchange. (December 2010)
45 - Go on vacation with my girls.
46 - Finish writing my book.
47 - Refresh my brain on the Italian I learned in college.
48 - Finish Avery's baby blanket. (October 2010)
49 - Crochet a scarf.
50 - Make a round light out of coffee filters.
51 - Make myself a pillow using the yo-yos Grandma Shirley made.
52 - Make upholstered headboard.
53 - Repaint my mirror.
54 - Make Jenny a new blog design. (April 2011)
55 - Work on my graphic design portfolio.
56 - Attract more readers for Road Called Life.
57 - Get sponsors for my blog.
58 - Learn how to play the guitar.
59 - Create a wreath from recycled book pages.
60 - Make 2 friends from the blogging world.
61 -
62 -
63 -
64 -
65 -
66 - Go on a cruise.
67 - Go ice skating.
68 - Host a dinner party.
69 - Sing karaoke. (November 2010)
70 - Visit Jenny & Matt in Okinawa, Japan.
71 - Visit Drew & Erin in Indiana.
72 - Visit Haley & Brock in Jacksonville, Florida. (November 2010)
73 - Celebrate NYE in another country. (NYE 2010 - Haiti)
74 - Go to a Browns game. (November 2010)
75 - Go watch the Buckeyes.
76 - Eat at the Melting Pot.
77 -Go back to Haiti. (Dec. 29, 2010-Jan. 5, 2011)
78 - Go camping.
79 - Go on a road trip.
80 - Play in the rain.
81 - Go on a picnic.
82 - Go see Casey's new house.
83 -
84 -
85 -
86 - Buy a new car. (April 2011)
87 - Take care of my dot com issues for Paisley Card Company. (January 2011)
88 - Open my Etsyshop for Paisley Card Co. (October 2010)
89 - Create an online shop for PCC. (December 2010)
90 - Create 5 Christmas cards for PCC. (November 2010)
91 - Start a savings account. (October 2010)
92 - Pay off my credit card debt.
93 - Make Lindsay's dental hygiene calling cards. (November 2010)
94 - Get a job. (October 2010 - Leppla Associates)
95 - Advertise for Paisley Card Co.
96 - Design 10 calling cards for PCC.
97 - Hire an intern for PCC.
98 - Design 5 stationery sets.
99 - Design 2 wedding invitation sets for PCC.
100 - Have a PCC product shoot.
97 - Hire an intern for PCC.
98 - Design 5 stationery sets.
99 - Design 2 wedding invitation sets for PCC.
100 - Have a PCC product shoot.
101 - Get credit score up.
102 - Design & print business cards for Paisley Card Company. (June 2011)
103 - Start paying myself 5% of my paycheck each time for a house.
104 - Start paying myself 5% of my paycheck each time for savings.
105 -Sell 5 bibs for Button Baby. (April 2011)
105 -
Here's a BONUS. For every task I do NOT complete within the 1001 days, I have to donate $5 to a charity of my choice. Sounds like a win-win kind of deal! Won't you please make your own 101 in 1001 list? :)
Now, I don't expect you to have read all of those tasks, but did you notice that I don't even technically have 101 - I don't think anyway. My numbers are messed up and the list ends at 105, but there are gaps along the way! Regardless, I am going to select a few goals each month to focus on. I want to be successful, productive, and live an intentional life. I say this a lot, a lot (so get used to it) - I have big, big dreams and although I want to enjoy the benefits of hard work in the future, I want to focus on doing the hard work now. Joy costs pain and I know the best is yet to come.
Hopefully, I'll be back later today with my goals to focus on the rest of January! :)
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