I am so beyond thrilled to be sharing about this. A few months ago, I finally completed the 'My Animal Alphabet' poster I had been working on for months - literally months. Well, after seeing the progress and the finished product, my aunt, Christie Jenkins, felt inspired. She has wanted to write a children's book for years and this felt like the perfect opportunity to start. She created the most adorable rhyme to go along with my illustrations and now it is much more than a poster - it's a book. A beautiful, 32-page, adorable, bright, & fun book and I couldn't be more excited. The book has been sent off to print so I don't have photos of the finished product quite yet (soon!) but here is what the cover looks like!
You can pre-order your very own copy right HERE. Receive an 8 x 10 'My Animal Alphabet' poster for free with your pre-order purchase. The 'My Animal Alphabet' products are the perfect gift for any little one who is learning their ABCs.
There's a little sneak peek of the inside for ya! Thank you to everyone who has already pre-ordered their copy. It means so much to us and I cannot thank you enough for the support! Oh, and for anyone who is curious how we went about getting this all done, Christie wrote a great post highlighting the major steps she took to turning this book from dream to reality.
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