It's Finally Coming...

Can you guess? I can't believe it, but I've finally set a launch date for the brand new Stephanie Creekmur shop. I've actually known about this date for a few months now, but didn't want to put it out there if I wasn't able to deliver since July has been a very busy month! I haven't even been home from Haiti a week yet - more on that amazing, humbling, life-changing experience later this week!

Remember the first time I went ugly early? Well, I'm doing it again y'all and I couldn't be more happy about it. There are still close to 50 things on my checklist that won't be completed before Monday, but who knows when those will be able to be checked off. Some just take time and others take money - both of which are in low supply!

I've worked so hard on this and I can't wait to share it! I will still be selling on Etsy but I can't wait for Stephanie Creekmur to have it's very own home on the World Wide Web. Be sure to sign up for the newsletter - you may get to see the new site first and you may even get a special surprise!

Thanks to everyone who has supported and cheered me on along the way! :)