Ha! I just saw that on someone's Facebook status' & thought it was cute! It's hard to believe that its already March! Geeze, 2010 is just flying by! & I'm ok with that. Or at least I will be until June. After June 13th (when I graduate) it'd be nice for time just to sloooow down. Yeah, that'd be great! Normally I can hardly take the excitement once March arrives. I'm usually preparing for a spring break trip to Mexico or some other fabulous place. Usually I have a concert to go to-- for some reason Kenny was always in my area around this time of year! & I'm also a March baby, only this year I will be turning 24 which
I'm not too excited about. I'm not necessarily upset about it, just not particularly as excited as I have been in the past, that's all! So although I don't have any great plans for this March, I'm still hoping for the best! My little nephew is turning 1 on the 29th! This is a huge deal because he was a preemie that came 2 months early. (I was in Cabo San Lucas & had to come home early! Just in time to be there at the hospital. Which was good because it was a scary time for my sister Jana as well as Nathan Paul!) He was born only 2lbs 9oz! He was so tiny, but he's a fighter! He's grown so much! I just love that little guy & don't know what I'd do without him! :)
I think the weather is supposed to be warmer this week! I sure hope so! It has been so cold & I a so sick of snow! It has finally started to melt, thank goodness, it was brutal there for awhile!
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